Why is Gaming Addiction a Problem? You Must Know These 9 Points. The Dark Side of Online Gaming

Why is Gaming Addiction a Problem? You Must Know These 9 Points. The Dark Side of Online Gaming

Why is Gaming Addiction a Problem?

And today in this blog, I will tell you about 9 such problems, knowing that you will be surprised that after all, the consequences of playing excessive games can have such bad effects?

1. Effect on physical health:

Playing excessive games has the biggest impact on our physical health, which mainly includes obesity, back pain, neck problems, eye strain.

By playing excessive games, we do not have time to do outdoor activities, due to which we become lethargic and become lazy and do not do any work and due to this physical health deteriorates.

2. Mental Health Outcomes:

When we get addicted to a game and start playing it excessively, then it also affects our mental health. Lack of sleep, less attention to your health, many such problems are seen.

Our actions slowly start changing as compared to others and we may have to face many problems like irritability, getting angry, fighting on every matter and don’t know.

3. Educational and Professional Disability:

If a student gets addicted to any game, then it affects their education very much, they neither feel like studying or doing any other work and the result ruins their career.

The more a professional person gets addicted to any game, then he leaves his work and starts playing games, due to which his job can also go away or if someone is doing business, then his business can also fall badly.

4. Social Isolation:

When there was no internet time and when there was no such online game, then at that time we all used to go out and play some game, then there we used to maintain relations with each other and by this we used to contact each other.

But in the current situation, we are completely separated from society. Our situation has become such that if we leave our apartment and go out somewhere, then there is no one in the apartment in front of us and whether he is doing any activity or not..

6. Rushing and Avoiding:

Some individuals may use gaming to escape from the problems and challenges of their real life. If gaming prevents a person from facing and solving problems for too long, it can lead to more serious problems.

7. Risk of Internet Gaming Disorder:

Gaming addiction is now recognized as a mental health disorder by the World Health Organization (WHO), listed as “gaming disorder” in the International Division of Diseases (ICD-11).

This recognition serves to underline the seriousness of the problem and shows the need for appropriate intervention and treatment.

8. Effect on Relationships:

When we get addicted to any online gaming, then in that situation, knowingly or unknowingly, we dominate our relationships in such a way that we do not even know and we have read many real cases of this in the news and where A son is playing pubg and when his parents are calling him for dinner, what does his son do with him.

In such a situation, we do not even know in what way we are spoiling our relationship. In this situation, we affect our relationships in a very bad way.

9. Productivity Loss:

When we start spending our time excessively in any gaming, it reduces our ability to think and an important task of our life remains confined to it.

Its effect is very bad on our life because when there is no creativity inside us then in that situation we fall far behind in comparison to others.


Whenever we start feeling that we have become addicted to any game, then in that situation you have to make a decision on how you will get out of this situation. The best option you have at this point of time would be to take the help of a consultant.

Through this blog, convey my small information “Why is gaming addiction a problem” to you, it is a big deal for me and you share this blog with your friends who have become so crazy behind gaming that he doesn’t even know what he’s doing.

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